Which energy healing session should I choose?

When considering booking a session with me, you might wonder:

“Which session do I choose?”

I offer two main ways of working 1:1 with me:

A 75 minute Shamanic Reiki Treatment

A 120 minute Mind/Body/Soul Healing Session

Which one is right for you?

Well, it depends.

Many of my clients who have years of traditional western psychotherapy under their belts are tired of talking about their challenges, triggers and traumas.

They feel they can no longer solve mind with mind and want to try an alternative approach that works holistically and is compatible with talk therapy.

Or they are receiving medical treatment for health related issues and wish to try a complementary approach.

These people usually book a 75 minute Shamanic Reiki Treatment.

These treatments are powerful and healing, but don’t go as deep as my longer two hour sessions, which leave more time for talking, energy work and other rituals.

Do you feel like going deeper?

If yes, then let’s dive in!

At 120 minutes, Mind/Body/Soul Healing sessions are perfect for those who are ready to go deep and release whatever weighs heavy on their hearts and soul.

These sessions leave more space and time to do a variety of energy, ritual and somatic work alongside transformational life coaching, or shamanic journeying (when applicable).

Sometimes, giving more time and spaciousness to your challenges is the way to go.

Even if you are already in therapy, the work we will do in these sessions will complement and enhance your existing therapeutic journey.

Whether you choose the Shamanic Reiki Treatment or the Mind/Body/Soul Healing Session, both options offer profound healing and growth.

Trust your intuition and choose the path that resonates most with you at this moment in your journey.

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And of course, I also offer House Energetic Clearing & Blessing and Polyamory Coaching.